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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Catholic", latest_content: 1"
Anniversary of Liberation Theology An opportunity to remember that the Gospels give preference to the marginalized, despised, and defenseless.
E. F. Schumacher Day Recognizing the contributions of an economist with a spiritual message about limits, simplicity, and peace.
Prayer For a Lonely Day A prayer ritual for uniting with all the lonely ones of the world.
Birthday of St. Teresa of Calcutta In honor of the servant of Calcutta, practice peace, silence, joy, kindness, and compassion.
Feast Day of St. Clare of Assisi Connecting to the spiritual stamina, joy, and the pleasures of humble service of others modeled by St. Clare of Assisi.
Birthday of Gerard Manley Hopkins An opportunity to savor objects or nature as signs of the Divine.
Hidden Self A prayer to realize your God-given potential.
He Is Calling You A prayer in response to Mark 10:49 to answer the call of the Most High.
Heavenly Love A prayer for steadfast trust and surrounding love.
The Spirit of Wisdom A prayer for full attunement to God.